Facebook: The New Job Application

For years now SNS have become more prominent and have become intertwined with everyday living.  Every moment of a persons life is documented on a "wall" or a "timeline" for others to view at the push of a button. Companies have caught on with this trend and are utilizing it to its full potential. Many cases have been documented where companies have turned down applicants for a job due to the content that is posted on their social media pages.

Now is this right for companies to do? That raises a whole level of ethical issues concerning peoples rights to post what they want on their social media pages. However, when you are at the point in your life where you are looking for a professional job, you shouldn't be posting pictures and information that would deem you unprofessional to begin with. Companies are using this "interviewing" process to their advantage because they believe that this really shows the character of the applicant and really gives the employers a good sense of who they are hiring.

According to career builder, more than 43 percent of hiring managers have found info on social media that have cost applicants the job. Mostly due to posing inappropriate or provocative pictures or information of themselves at a whopping 50 percent.With these numbers, there should be absolutely no reason why people who are serious about a job search should be posting unprofessional things on a social media website.

Courtesy of: Forbes Magazine

Some tips on "Cleaning Up":
Now that you know how badly social media can affect your career, here are some tips on clearing your name of any nonsense.

  1. Search yourself:
    • searching for yourself is a great way to see what is actually posted and connected to your name over a wide variety of websites.
  2. Delete:
    • if you even have to ask yourself if something is appropriate enough to post online, odds are, its probably not. Delete anything that shows or says anything inappropriate or anything that is illegal. 
  3. Post Positive:
    • start associating yourself with "likes" that show professionalism. Like pages that have something to do with what you want to do with your life career wise. Start posting your work or big career steps to show that your work is everything to you and that you take it seriously. 

Red Bull: A Great Media Empire?

During the Super Bowl this year, I am sure we all saw the Red Bull advertisement that showed some adventurous people saying some pretty motivational things, with the classic motivational music playing in the background. Made you feel like you had to do something with your life, right? I felt like everything I accomplished in life wasn't as great as that person jumping from space onto the landscape of the Earth, but it did have an affect on me.

The fine work of Red Bull's new promotional ad's and their attempt to merge into the media world has become a phenomenon to me. Their success with creating such moving television ad's to creating fascinating news stories that are available on their high-tech website has created a whole new way of enjoying news that appeals to the adventure seeking, music loving community.

Their attempt to create thrill-seeking activities and filming them and placing them into a commercial for the world to see has created this whole new brand. Red Bull is no longer just an energy drink, its a way of life, a way to see life, a way to live.

On the Edge.


Google (verb)

To Google something as simple as how to get to a restaurant right down the street, or how to do a certain math problem has become a part of our daily lives. Being a college student, I have my fair share of "googling" basic information just to make sure I am accurate and it has actually become one of my rituals when doing homework. The role that Google has played in lives across the country is astounding. Everyone googles something, no matter what it is, each and everyday, and Google has become a huge game changer for people around the world.

Google has made America simple and very reliable on its power of infinite information. Anything you're uncertain about, what is your immediate go-to source? I guarantee you it's not an encyclopedia. Having every website at your fingertips and every type of information just a click away  has become so alluring that people actually believe it has become something to be addicted to. Having such simplicity is seducing the weak minded that it has actually made its way into the human mind and made such a connection that it has burned its name into your memory and now is your go-to source for anything that your looking for.

Since Google has bought out Youtube, the other mind-killer, Google in itself has become an unstoppable player in the game of simplistic technology. Youtube consumes the lives of millions each day with videos on cats jumping off cars, or babies laughing hysterically without the user actually realizing how much time they are actually wasting. Youtube is a constant distractor from homework, jobs, chores, and other everyday responsibilities.

People are becoming blind from how badly technology is consuming our lives and how dependent we are becoming to our computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.

Nation full of Networks

Connecting with people all around the world is something that has recently come to light these past few decades. Blogging has changed the game on ways of communicating in ways of journalism and just people becoming more creative and sharing their ideas with the world.

Trine-Maria Kristensen, in her interview, talked about how blogging made her feel important and that she knew people will listen to her and her ideas on crafting. Kristensen chooses her topics based on her interests and what she enjoys doing rather than what her readers want her to post. She is very inspirational when it comes to blogging in my eyes, due to the fact that she does what she wants and she is halfway around the world and still gets international views on her craft blog posts.

Here's the link to her interview with Rebecca's Pocket:
Kristensen Interview