Red Bull: A Great Media Empire?

During the Super Bowl this year, I am sure we all saw the Red Bull advertisement that showed some adventurous people saying some pretty motivational things, with the classic motivational music playing in the background. Made you feel like you had to do something with your life, right? I felt like everything I accomplished in life wasn't as great as that person jumping from space onto the landscape of the Earth, but it did have an affect on me.

The fine work of Red Bull's new promotional ad's and their attempt to merge into the media world has become a phenomenon to me. Their success with creating such moving television ad's to creating fascinating news stories that are available on their high-tech website has created a whole new way of enjoying news that appeals to the adventure seeking, music loving community.

Their attempt to create thrill-seeking activities and filming them and placing them into a commercial for the world to see has created this whole new brand. Red Bull is no longer just an energy drink, its a way of life, a way to see life, a way to live.

On the Edge.


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