Gaming in Everyday Lives

I am a big advocate for video games. I love playing them, I love talking about them, I love studying them. Who doesn't love being placed in a mythical world and becoming someone new for only a little while? That being said, many people are trying to blame video games for violence that occurs in todays world, and say that video games are rotting the minds of the youth.

While most video games are violence oriented this day in age, they are not to be blamed for violence in todays culture. Someone may be able to shoot as many people as possible in a came of Call of Duty per say, but the psychological affects that the game actually creates are not enough to distort a humans view of the world and initiate the violent acts that people blame from this.

Video games to me at least, are more of an escape of everyday life, with it being so hectic and all, which leads me to believe that video games are actually the opposite of what people are making of them these days. People go to violent video games to relieve stress and anger out, without doing it violently in everyday life. The video game presents a false reality in which the avatar that you are playing has no stress in their life and is able to roam and fight when and where they please. Being such a stress reliever to most people these days, I believe that many people should be more encouraging of this way of dealing with issues rather than making them seem like such a bad thing. According to Texas A&M with their study of Violent Video Games Relieving Stress, they found that "Young adults -both male and female- who play violent video games long-term handle stress better than non-playing adults and become less depressed and less hostile following a stressful task...". To read more of this study, click on the link above.

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