SNS Hall of Fame: Twitter

In 140 characters or less, it is pretty hard to try and get clear, important, and impacting news across for the whole world to see. The social networking site, Twitter has revolutionized the way breaking news has traveled around the world and has earned its way into the SNS Hall of Fame. Throughout the years that Twitter has been online, many world wide breaking news stories have occurred and have been broadcasted on this wonderful site. From the riots breaking out around the world, to owners of basketball teams making racist statements, Twitter has created san easy and (short) way to communicate and broadcast your opinion rapidly. Twitter reaches out to such a large crowd in such a quick time due to their use of "hashtags". The hashtag basically is a statement or phrase that is used to describe an event, which is then broadcasted, then you have the ability to type in that hashtag and see every tweet around the world that relates to the event happening. It is an easy and fast way to spread the word quickly and efficiently.

Below is a map that shows the activity on Twitter after Donald Sterling (owner of the Clippers) was fired, using the hashtag #Bannedforlife.

Twitter Map

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